Emotional Needs

Learning Series

Understanding Our Emotional Needs: Insights from Human Givens

Emotions are not just fleeting experiences; they are signposts pointing us toward our fundamental needs. The Human Givens Institute, a UK-based organization, has identified a set of emotional needs that, when met, contribute to our psychological well-being. By understanding these needs and how our emotions relate to them, we can gain valuable insights into our well-being and take steps to lead more fulfilling lives.

Core Emotional Needs: The Human Givens Perspective

The Human Givens Institute outlines the following essential emotional needs:

  • Security: Feeling safe and secure in one's environment
  • Attention: Giving and receiving attention from others
  • Sense of autonomy and control: Having volition in one's life
  • Emotional intimacy: Connecting deeply with at least one other person
  • Community connection: Feeling part of a wider group
  • Privacy: Having time and space to reflect and consolidate experiences
  • Sense of status: Feeling valued and respected within social groups
  • Sense of competence and achievement: Feeling capable and accomplished
  • Meaning and purpose: Having a sense of direction and significance in life

These needs are considered universal, though their expression and priority may vary among individuals and cultures.

How Emotions Signal Our Needs

Our emotions often serve as indicators of whether these needs are being met or neglected. Here's how some common emotions might relate to the Human Givens emotional needs:

  • Joy and Happiness: Often signal that multiple needs are being met, such as community connection, sense of achievement, or emotional intimacy.
  • Anger: May point to violated boundaries (security), unmet needs for respect (status), or frustrations with lack of control (autonomy).
  • Fear: Often relates to our need for security, whether physical, emotional, or financial.
  • Sadness: Can indicate unmet needs for emotional intimacy, community connection, or a lack of meaning and purpose.

Listening to Our Emotions

By paying attention to our emotions, we can gain valuable information about our needs:

  • Recognize the Emotion: The first step is to acknowledge and name what we're feeling.
  • Explore the Context: Consider the situations or thoughts that trigger the emotion.
  • Identify the Underlying Need: Reflect on which of the Human Givens needs might be met or unmet, causing this emotional response.
  • Take Appropriate Action: Once the need is identified, consider how to address it in a healthy way.

Balancing Emotional Needs

It's important to recognize that our needs can sometimes conflict. For example, our need for community connection might clash with our need for privacy. Learning to balance these needs is a key part of emotional maturity.

The Role of Self-Awareness

Developing self-awareness is crucial in understanding the link between our emotions and the Human Givens needs. Practices like mindfulness, journaling, or therapy can help us become more attuned to our emotional states and their underlying causes.


Our emotions are not arbitrary; they are valuable signals about our inner world and our interactions with our environment. By learning to interpret these signals through the lens of the Human Givens emotional needs, we can better understand ourselves and take steps to fulfill these needs in healthy ways. This self-understanding is a powerful tool for personal growth, improved relationships, and overall well-being. Remember, the goal isn't to eliminate negative emotions, but to understand what they're telling us about our needs. All emotions, both pleasant and unpleasant, have important roles to play in guiding us towards a more fulfilled life where all our essential emotional needs are met.