
Learning Series

What Are Change Triangle Templates

Aemote is designed to help you understand and navigate your emotional patterns. To help get you started, we built a feature to enable you to copy and customize a Change Triangle template. These templates represent common emotional experiences such as social anxiety, substance abuse, perfectionism, grief, and discrimination. You can then adjust them to suit the specifics of your own emotional patterns.

Common Scenarios, Predictable Emotions

While our emotional experiences may feel unique and personal, it's important to recognize that we all encounter common scenarios that produce predictable emotional responses. Whether it's the fear and self-doubt associated with social anxiety, the shame and guilt that often accompany substance abuse, or the sadness and longing that come with grief, these experiences are shared by many. By offering Change Triangle templates for these common emotional patterns, Aemote helps users understand that they are not alone in their struggles.

Similarities in Emotional Experiences

Although we might feel that our emotions are entirely unique, there are often striking similarities between our emotional experiences and those of others. The Change Triangle templates in Aemote highlight these commonalities, allowing you to see patterns and connections in your emotional patterns. By recognizing that others have walked similar paths, you can find comfort, validation, and a sense of belonging in your emotional journey.

Exploring Past Experiences

Aemote's Change Triangle templates serve as a powerful tool for exploring past experiences related to a particular emotional pattern. Even if the experience has long past, there may be unprocessed emotions that can benefit from re-exploration and understanding. By using a template as a starting point, you can delve into your emotional history, identifying the defenses, inhibitory emotions, core emotions, and physical sensations associated with that experience. This exploration can lead to greater self-awareness, healing, and personal growth.

Understanding Others' Emotional Patterns

In addition to personal exploration, studying the emotional patterns of a templated situation can help to develop empathy and understanding for what another person might be going through. By recognizing the common elements of an emotional experience, you can better support and connect with others who are facing similar challenges. Aemote's Change Triangle templates foster compassion and encourage users to view emotional experiences from multiple perspectives.

Customizing Templates for Unique Experiences

While the Change Triangle templates provide a valuable starting point, it is crucial for you to customize them to reflect your unique experiences. No two psyches are identical, and the specific nuances of your emotional patterns may differ from the template. We encourage you to adapt the templates, adding or modifying elements to capture the essence of your personal emotional landscape. This customization process allows you to create a Change Triangle that truly resonates with your own story.

No Right or Wrong Emotions

Finally, let us reiterate that there are no right or wrong ways to emotionally respond to an experience. Emotions are inherently subjective and deeply personal. The Change Triangle templates in Aemote serve as guides and prompts for exploration, not as prescriptive or judgmental frameworks. We encourage you to approach your emotional experiences with openness, curiosity, and self-compassion, recognizing that your emotions are valid and worthy of understanding, regardless of how they may differ from the templates or the experiences of others.


Our Change Triangle templates offer a powerful tool for you to explore and understand your emotional patterns. By representing common experiences and highlighting the similarities in our emotional journeys, these templates provide a starting point for self-discovery and empathy. Through customization and personal reflection, you can create a Change Triangle that truly captures the unique essence of your emotional landscape. Remember, there are no right or wrong emotions, only opportunities for growth, healing, and connection.